Tel: 01782 894 912



Last updated: 05/08/2024


1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to outline Plas-Fit UK’s commitment to preventing bribery, fraud, and corruption in all its forms. This policy sets forth the procedures and responsibilities for detecting, reporting, and managing incidents of bribery, fraud, and corruption.


2. Scope
This policy applies to all Plas-Fit UK employees, officers, directors, contractors, suppliers, and associated partners.


3. Definitions
• Bribery: Offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting anything of value to influence the actions of an individual in a position of power.

• Fraud: Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
• Corruption: Abuse of entrusted power for private gain.


4. Policy Statement
Plas-Fit UK is committed to conducting business in an ethical and transparent manner. The company has a zero-tolerance approach to bribery, fraud, and corruption. All employees and associated persons must adhere to the highest standards of integrity and honesty.


5. Responsibilities
• Board of Directors: Provide oversight and ensure the implementation of this policy.
• Management: Promote a culture of integrity and ensure compliance with the policy within their departments.
• Employees: Adhere to the policy and report any suspected incidents of bribery, fraud, or corruption.
• Compliance Officer: Oversee the implementation and enforcement of the policy, conduct investigations, and provide training.


6. Prevention Measures
• Training and Awareness: Regular training for employees on recognising and preventing bribery, fraud, and corruption.
• Due Diligence: Conduct thorough due diligence on business partners, suppliers, and contractors.
• Internal Controls: Implement robust internal controls to detect and prevent bribery, fraud, and corruption.
• Whistle-blowing Mechanism: Provide a secure and confidential mechanism for reporting concerns.


7. Reporting Procedures
• Immediate Reporting: Employees must immediately report any suspected incidents of bribery, fraud, or corruption to their Manager.
• Whistle-blower Protection: Reports can be made anonymously, and whistle-blowers will be protected from retaliation.
• Investigation: The Directors will promptly investigate all reports of suspected bribery, fraud, or corruption.
• Confidentiality: All reports and investigations will be handled with the utmost confidentiality.


8. Investigation Procedures
• Initial Assessment: The Directors will conduct an initial assessment of the report to determine its credibility and severity.
• Formal Investigation: If warranted, a formal investigation will be initiated, which may involve internal or external investigators.
• Documentation: All investigation steps and findings will be documented thoroughly.
• Outcome: Based on the investigation findings, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, which may include termination of employment, legal action, or other measures.


9. Disciplinary Action
• Zero Tolerance: Plas-Fit UK has a zero-tolerance policy for bribery, fraud, and corruption.
• Consequences: Employees found to be involved in bribery, fraud, or corruption will face disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and legal prosecution.


10. Monitoring and Review
• Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with the policy and to identify any weaknesses in internal controls.
• Continuous Improvement: Review and update the policy and procedures regularly to ensure their effectiveness.
• Reporting: The Compliance Officer will report on the implementation and effectiveness of this policy to the Board of Directors annually.


11. Communication of Policy
• Policy Distribution: This policy will be distributed to all employees at employment commencement.
• Training: Regular training sessions will be conducted to ensure all employees understand their responsibilities under this policy.


12. Approval and Revision
This Policy is approved by the Management and Board of Directors of Plas-Fit UK and is subject to periodic review and revision as necessary.


Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact Plas-Fit UK on 01782 894 912.