Tel: 01782 894 912



Last updated: 06/08/2024



To ensure that all employees are fit to perform their work duties safely and effectively, thereby maintaining a safe, productive, and healthy work environment.



This policy applies to all Plas-Fit UK employees, contractors, and temporary staff working for Plas-Fit UK.


Policy Statement:
• Fitness Requirements: Employees must be physically and mentally fit to perform their job responsibilities safely and efficiently. This includes being free from the influence of drugs, alcohol, or any other substances that may impair performance.

• Health Assessments: Plas-Fit UK may require health assessments or medical examinations to determine an employee’s fitness for work, particularly in roles with specific physical demands or safety-critical positions.

• Return to Work: Employees returning from illness, injury, or leave must provide a medical certificate confirming their fitness for work. A phased return to work plan may be implemented if necessary.

• Reasonable Adjustments: Plas-Fit UK is committed to supporting employees with health conditions or disabilities. Reasonable adjustments will be made to accommodate employees’ needs wherever possible, in line with legal requirements.


The Directors:
* Ensure employees are aware of the fitness for work policy.
* Monitor employee fitness and take appropriate action if an employee is deemed unfit for work.
* Arrange necessary health assessments and follow up on any recommendations.
* Support employees returning to work and make reasonable adjustments as needed.


* Maintain their fitness for work and inform their manager if they are unfit to perform their duties.
* Participate in health assessments and follow medical advice.
* Report any concerns about their own, or others’ fitness for work.


1. Pre-Employment Health Assessments:
* All new employees may be required to undergo a health assessment to confirm their fitness for the role they are being hired for.


2. Ongoing Monitoring:
* Managers will observe employees’ performance and behaviour to ensure they remain fit for work. Any concerns will be addressed promptly and confidentially.


3. Health Assessments and Medical Examinations:
* Health assessments may be conducted periodically, or as required, to ensure employees remain fit for their roles.
* Specific assessments will be arranged for safety-critical roles or if there are concerns about an employee’s fitness.


4. Reporting and Confidentiality:
* Employees must report any condition that may affect their fitness for work to the Managing Director.
* All health information will be treated confidentially and only disclosed to those who need to know for health and safety reasons.


5. Return to Work:
* Employees returning from sickness or injury must provide a medical certificate of fitness.
* A return-to-work plan, including phased return or temporary adjustments, will be developed in consultation with the employee and their healthcare provider if necessary.



6. Reasonable Adjustments:
* Adjustments may include modifications to duties, working hours, or equipment to support employees with health conditions or disabilities.
* Each case will be considered individually, and adjustments will be made in line with business needs and legal requirements.


Compliance and Review:
All employees are expected to comply with this policy. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action.


This Policy is communicated to all employees and integrated it into our training programs.


Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns about this Fitness for Work policy, please contact Plas-Fit UK on 01782 894 912.