Tel: 01782 894 912



Last updated: 06/08/2024



To support work-life balance, enhance employee well-being, and increase productivity by providing flexible working arrangements. This policy outlines the types of flexible working available and the process for requesting and implementing such arrangements.



This policy applies to all employees of Plas-Fit UK.


Policy Statement:
• Commitment to Flexibility: Plas-Fit UK is committed to offering flexible working arrangements to help employees balance their work and personal commitments.
• Equal Opportunity: All requests for flexible working will be considered fairly and without discrimination.


Types of Flexible Working:


1. Flexible Hours:
* Flexi-time: Employees can choose their start and finish times within agreed limits, provided they work the core hours and total required hours.
* Compressed Hours: Employees work their standard hours over fewer days.


2. Remote Working:
* Employees may work from home or another location for part or all of their working week, subject to the nature of their role and operational requirements.


3. Part-Time Work:
* Employees work fewer hours than the standard full-time hours, which can be structured over full days or partial days.


4. Job Sharing:
* Two or more employees share the responsibilities of one full-time position, with tasks and hours divided between them.


5. Annualised Hours:
* Employees total working hours for the year are calculated and spread over the year, allowing for variable hours in different periods.


Plas-Fit UK Directors will:
* Consider all flexible working requests fairly and consistently.
* Ensure that flexible working arrangements do not adversely affect team performance or business operations.
* Review and monitor flexible working arrangements to ensure they remain effective.

* Submit flexible working requests in accordance with the procedures outlined in this policy.
* Maintain productivity and meet job requirements while working flexibly.
* Communicate any issues or changes in circumstances that may affect their flexible working arrangement.


Procedure for Requesting Flexible Working:


1. Eligibility:
* All employees with at least 26 weeks of continuous service at Plas-Fit UK are eligible to request flexible working.


2. Submitting a Request:
* Employees should submit a written request to their manager, outlining the type of flexible working arrangement desired, the proposed start date, and how the arrangement will impact their work and the team.


3. Meeting to Discuss Request:
o A meeting will be scheduled within 28 days of receiving the request to discuss the details and potential impact of the proposed arrangement.


4. Decision:
* The manager will consider the request and notify the employee of the decision in writing within 14 days of the meeting.
* If the request is approved, the manager and employee will agree on the terms of the flexible working arrangement.
* If the request is denied, the manager will provide a written explanation and inform the employee of the right to appeal.


5. Appeals:
* Employees may appeal the decision within 14 days of receiving the written response.
* An appeal meeting will be arranged within 14 days, and a final decision will be provided in writing within 14 days of the appeal meeting.


Review and Monitoring:

Flexible working arrangements will be reviewed to ensure they continue to meet the needs of both the employee and Plas-Fit UK. Adjustments may be made as necessary to ensure ongoing effectiveness and alignment with business goals.


This Flexible Working Policy demonstrates Plas-Fit UK’s commitment to supporting employee well-being and work-life balance through a variety of flexible working options. The clear procedures for requesting and implementing flexible working arrangements ensure fairness and consistency.


Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact Plas-Fit UK on 01782 894 912.