Tel: 01782 894 912



Last updated: 06/08/2024



To ensure a fair, consistent, and systematic approach to disciplinary matters within Plas-Fit UK. This policy aims to promote and maintain acceptable standards of conduct and performance.



This policy applies to all employees of Plas-Fit UK.


Policy Statement:
• Fair Treatment: Plas-Fit UK is committed to treating all employees fairly and consistently in disciplinary matters.

• Clear Procedures: The company provides clear procedures for addressing disciplinary issues, ensuring that all employees understand their rights and responsibilities.

Support and Improvement: The disciplinary process aims to support employees in improving their conduct and performance, wherever possible.



Plas-Fit UK Directors will:
* Ensure all employees are aware of the Disciplinary Policy and procedures.
Apply the policy consistently and fairly.
* Provide support and guidance to employees to help them meet the required standards of conduct and performance.


* Understand and comply with company policies and procedures.
* Maintain acceptable standards of conduct and performance.
* Participate in the disciplinary process and cooperate with investigations.



1. Informal Action:
* Minor conduct or performance issues may be addressed informally through discussion and guidance.
* Managers will provide feedback and set expectations for improvement.
* Informal action should be documented but will not form part of the employee’s formal disciplinary record.


2. Formal Action:
* If informal action is not successful, or in cases of more serious misconduct or performance issues, formal disciplinary action may be taken.
* The formal process involves a series of steps, including investigation, disciplinary hearing, and possible outcomes.


3. Investigation:
* An impartial investigation will be conducted to gather facts and evidence.
* The employee will be informed of the allegations and given an opportunity to respond.
* The investigation will be conducted promptly and fairly.


4. Disciplinary Hearing:
* If the investigation finds that formal action is necessary, a disciplinary hearing will be arranged.
* The employee will be given written notice of the hearing, including details of the allegations and evidence.
* The employee has the right to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union representative.


5. Possible Outcomes:
* No Action: If any allegations are not substantiated, no further action will be taken.
* Written Warning: For minor but substantiated issues, a written warning may be issued, outlining the required improvement and the consequences of failing to improve.
* Final Written Warning: For more serious issues or if a previous warning has not resulted in improvement, a final written warning may be issued.
* Dismissal: For gross misconduct or repeated failure to improve, the employee may be dismissed. Dismissal will be a last resort and will be accompanied by a written explanation.


6. Appeals:
* Employees have the right to appeal against any formal disciplinary action.
* Appeals must be submitted in writing within a specified timeframe, outlining the grounds for the appeal.
* An impartial appeal hearing will be arranged, and the outcome will be communicated in writing.


7. Record Keeping:
* All records related to disciplinary matters will be kept confidential and retained in accordance with data protection laws.
* Records will include details of the investigation, hearing, outcome, and any appeals.



This policy will be reviewed annually or as necessary to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and best practices.


This Policy is communicated to all employees and integrated into our training programs.


Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact Plas-Fit UK on 01782 894 912.