Tel: 01782 894 912



Last updated: 07/08/2024


1. Purpose

The purpose of this Parental Leave Policy is to outline the entitlements and procedures for employees at Plas-Fit UK who are expecting a child or are adopting a child. This policy aims to support our employees in balancing their work and family responsibilities by providing clear guidelines on parental leave.


2. Scope

This policy applies to all eligible employees of Plas-Fit UK, regardless of gender, who are becoming parents through birth or adoption.


3. Definitions
Parental Leave: Leave granted to employees for the birth or adoption of a child.
Primary Caregiver: The parent who has primary responsibility for the care of the child.
Secondary Caregiver: The parent who has secondary responsibility for the care of the child.


4. Eligibility
Employees must have completed at least 24 months of continuous service with Plas-Fit UK to be eligible for parental leave.
Both full-time and part-time employees are eligible for parental leave.


5. Types of Parental Leave


5.1 Maternity Leave

Eligible employees who are the primary caregiver can take up to 52 weeks of maternity leave.
The first 26 weeks are considered Ordinary Maternity Leave (OML), and the following 26 weeks are Additional Maternity Leave (AML).


5.2 Paternity Leave

Eligible employees who are the secondary caregiver can take up to 2 weeks of paternity leave.
Paternity leave must be taken within 56 days of the birth or adoption of the child.


5.3 Adoption Leave

Eligible employees who are adopting a child can take up to 52 weeks of adoption leave.
The first 26 weeks are considered Ordinary Adoption Leave (OAL), and the following 26 weeks are Additional Adoption Leave (AAL).


5.4 Shared Parental Leave (SPL)

Eligible parents can share up to 50 weeks of leave and 37 weeks of pay between them.
SPL allows parents to take leave in a more flexible manner, either simultaneously or consecutively.


6. Notice Requirements


6.1 Maternity Leave

Employees must notify the Managing Director in writing at least 15 weeks before the expected week of childbirth.
The notification should include the intended start date of the leave and the expected date of return.


6.2 Paternity Leave

Employees must notify the Managing Director in writing at least 15 weeks before the expected week of childbirth or within 7 days of being matched with a child for adoption.
The notification should include the intended start date and duration of the leave.


6.3 Adoption Leave

Employees must notify the Managing Director in writing within 7 days of being matched with a child for adoption.
The notification should include the intended start date of the leave and the expected date of return.


6.4 Shared Parental Leave

Employees must notify the Managing Director at least 8 weeks before the start of any period of SPL.
The notification should include details of how the leave will be split between the parents.


7. Pay Entitlements


7.1 Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)

Employees on maternity leave may be entitled to SMP for up to 39 weeks, subject to eligibility criteria.


7.2 Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP)

Employees on paternity leave may be entitled to SPP for up to 2 weeks, subject to eligibility criteria.


7.3 Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP)

Employees on adoption leave may be entitled to SAP for up to 39 weeks, subject to eligibility criteria.


7.4 Shared Parental Pay (ShPP)

Employees on SPL may be entitled to ShPP, subject to eligibility criteria and the number of weeks of pay remaining.


8. Rights During Leave
Employees on parental leave are entitled to return to their same job or a suitable alternative role with no detriment to their terms and conditions.
Employees will continue to accrue holiday entitlement during parental leave.
Pension contributions will continue during any period of paid parental leave.


9. Flexible Working
Plas-Fit UK supports flexible working arrangements to help employees balance their work and family commitments.


Employees wishing to adjust their working hours or patterns upon returning from parental leave should discuss this with the Managing Director.


10. Return to Work
Employees must confirm their return-to-work date to the Managing Director at least 8 weeks before the end of their parental leave.
Plas-Fit UK will provide support to facilitate a smooth transition back to work, including the option for phased returns or adjusted duties if necessary.


11. Review and Monitoring
This policy will be reviewed as necessary to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with current legislation.
Feedback from employees on the operation of this policy is welcomed and will be considered in future reviews.

This Policy is communicated to all employees and integrated it into our training programs.


By implementing this Parental Leave Policy, Plas-Fit UK aims to support our employees during significant life events, promoting a healthy work-life balance and fostering a family-friendly work environment.


Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns about this Parental leave policy, please contact Plas-Fit UK on 01782 894 912.