Tel: 01782 894 912



Last updated: 05/08/2024


1. Introduction
Plas-Fit UK is dedicated to promoting energy efficiency and sustainability in all our operations. This Energy Management System (EnMS) policy outlines Plas-Fit UK’s commitment to reducing energy consumption, enhancing energy performance, and minimising our environmental impact.


2. Scope
This policy applies to all operations and activities carried out by Plas-Fit UK, including manufacturing, distribution, and administrative functions. It covers all employees, contractors, suppliers, and stakeholders involved in our processes.


3. Policy Statements


Commitment to Energy Efficiency
• Plas-Fit UK will integrate energy management into all aspects of our operations to achieve sustainable energy use.
• We will strive to continually improve our energy performance through the implementation of an effective Energy Management System (EnMS).


Compliance with Legislation
• We will comply with all relevant energy-related legislation, regulations, and other requirements applicable to our operations.
• Plas-Fit UK will stay informed about changes in energy laws and regulations and ensure ongoing compliance.


Setting and Reviewing Energy Objectives
• Plas-Fit UK will establish, implement, and maintain measurable energy objectives and targets to improve energy performance.
• These objectives will be reviewed regularly to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with our business goals.


Energy Performance Improvement
• We will identify and implement energy-saving measures and best practices to reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency.
• Plas-Fit UK will invest in energy-efficient technologies and equipment to support our energy performance objectives.


Employee Engagement and Training
• We will promote an energy-conscious culture among our employees by providing regular training and awareness programs.
• Employees will be encouraged to take responsibility for energy use within their areas of work and to suggest improvements to our energy practices.


Sustainable Procurement
• Plas-Fit UK will work with suppliers and contractors who demonstrate a commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability.
• We will consider energy performance in the procurement of products and services to ensure we are making sustainable choices.


Monitoring and Reporting
• We will regularly monitor and measure our energy consumption and performance to track progress against our energy objectives.
• Plas-Fit UK will report on energy performance and improvements to stakeholders, demonstrating our commitment to transparency and accountability.


Continuous Improvement
• Plas-Fit UK is committed to the continuous improvement of our EnMS, identifying opportunities for enhanced energy performance.
• We will regularly review and update our energy management practices to ensure their effectiveness.


Renewable Energy Sources
• We will explore and invest in renewable energy sources where feasible to reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy.
• Plas-Fit UK will promote the use of renewable energy within our operations and projects.


4. Responsibility and Review
• The management team at Plas-Fit UK is responsible for the implementation and oversight of this EnMS policy.
• This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness in achieving our energy management goals.


5. Communication
• This EnMS policy will be communicated to all employees and made available to the public through our website and other appropriate channels.
• Feedback from employees, customers, and other stakeholders will be welcomed and considered in our ongoing energy initiatives.


By adopting this Energy Management System Policy, Plas-Fit UK demonstrates our commitment to energy efficiency, sustainability, and environmental responsibility. Together, we can achieve significant energy savings and contribute to a more sustainable future.


Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact Plas-Fit UK on 01782 894 912.