Tel: 01782 894 912



Last updated: 07/08/2024



To foster continuous improvement and professional growth among employees through effective training and development initiatives. This policy aims to ensure that employees have the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their roles efficiently and to support their career progression within Plas-Fit UK.



This policy applies to all employees of Plas-Fit UK.


Policy Statement:
• Commitment to Development: Plas-Fit UK is committed to investing in the training and development of its employees to enhance their skills, improve performance, and support career advancement.

• Continuous Learning: We promote a culture of continuous learning and encourage employees to take responsibility for their own development.




– Identify training and development needs through regular performance appraisals and feedback.
– Provide opportunities for training and professional development.
– Support employees in their career development goals.
– Ensure training aligns with the company’s strategic objectives and complies with legal and regulatory requirements.


– Take an active role in their own learning and development.
– Participate in training programs and apply the knowledge and skills acquired.
– Provide feedback on training programs to help improve their effectiveness.


Training and Development Opportunities:


1. Induction Training:
– All new employees will undergo an induction program to familiarise them with the company’s policies, procedures, and culture.
– Induction training will cover job-specific skills, health and safety, and compliance requirements.


2. On-the-Job Training:
– Employees will receive on-the-job training to develop the skills and knowledge required for their roles.
– This may include shadowing experienced colleagues, hands-on practice, and mentorship.


3. Formal Training Programs:
– Plas-Fit UK will offer formal training programs, including workshops, seminars, and courses, to address specific skills and competencies.
– Training programs will be designed to meet the needs of different roles and levels within the company.


4. Professional Development:
– Employees will be encouraged to pursue professional development opportunities, such as certifications, qualifications, and memberships in professional bodies.
– The company may provide financial support for relevant professional development activities.


5. Performance Appraisals:
– Regular performance appraisals will be conducted to assess employees’ skills and identify development needs.
– Development plans will be created in collaboration with employees to address any gaps and support career progression.


6. Career Development:
– Plas-Fit UK will support employees in planning and achieving their career goals.
– Opportunities for career development, such as promotions, transfers, and special projects, will be made available to employees who demonstrate potential and commitment.


7. Evaluation and Feedback:
– Training programs will be regularly evaluated to ensure they meet the needs of the employees and the company.
– Feedback from employees will be used to improve the effectiveness of training and development initiatives.



This policy will be reviewed annually or as necessary to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with the company’s strategic goals and legal requirements.


Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact Plas-Fit UK on 01782 894 912.